Holistic Relaxation Therapy

This is a lovely blend of all my skills, put together to create individually tailored, personalised relaxation programmes to suit your own needs.
Holistic Relaxation

Breathing exercises, Reiki, visualisation, yoga, meditation, chanting and gentle soothing touch, are put together as needed, to provide a deeply relaxing, nourishing and nurturing experience.

I use these tools to support you in re-connecting mind, body and spirit. Life can be very busy, and we can find ourselves running around, under pressure, feeling stressed and anxious, or simply overwhelmed by all there is to do. Holistic Relaxation Therapy gives you the time and tools to begin to settle and re-balance.

I’m really happy to now be able to offer Sound Baths, to individuals or groups, in our beautiful little studio. I use drums, gongs, singing bowls, bells and chimes to create a gorgeous relaxing soundscape, leading you to a place of peace and calm.

Sessions last an hour, and take place in the Shepherds Hut, on the jetty or on the narrowboat, in the beautiful and relaxing surroundings on the River Thames.

If this is calling to you, do contact me.

The exchange for a single session is £50 or £75 for couples.

The exchange for a course of 6 sessions is £270.

There are also regular half and full-day workshops, do contact me for details

Holistic Relaxation in the garden