The Hedgerow Herbalist
My journey as a Hedgerow Herbalist reflects my deep affinity with the natural world and the elements.
I’ve always had an interest in herbal remedies, and how we can use them to promote our overall well-being. I believe that we have an innate ‘heart’s understanding’ of how Nature works to help our bodies find balance.
The key here is to help ourselves unlock this.
My passion for and understanding of this has grown, and I have completed my foundation year with the Heartwood Herbalism Foundation on my journey of becoming a Medical Herbalist.
Being in Nature
Hedgerow Herbalism Spring Awakenings
Saturday 27th April
I'm absolutely thrilled to confirm the date for the Spring Awakenings Hedgerow Herbalism workshop is Saturday 27th April!!!! This wil be such a lovely day, in our beautiful space on the river just outside Chertsey in Surrey. We will be exploring how to use herbs and plants to support the body as we stir from the Winter months into the regenerating time of Spring. There will be laughter, learning, gentle movement, deep connection to the Earth, lots of delicious vegetarian food and of course blending oils, making balms and salves, and using tinctures. And then you go home with a happy heart and a bag full of goodies!!!! Email me or message me for more details. The exchange for the day is £120, and includes lunch and refreshments and all materials for the day xxxx
Hedgerow Herbalism and the Kitchen Medicine Cabinet
The exchange is £120, I provide a light vegetarian lunch and all materials, and you go home with a full heart and a bag of goodies you will have made. Contact me for more details. To enquire or to book your place just drop me an email below. I look forward to working with you.