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Call the Soul Midwife!

Soul Midwives offer holistic comfort, care and support to anyone facing end-of-life.

We have deep knowledge of the stages of dying, and of the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of each of these. We use gentle but extremely powerful age-old skills and therapeutic techniques to help ease anxieties, supporting anyone to prepare for and experience the death they would like to have.

We visit, listen, talk about any fears surrounding death and dying, and give practical planning advice and support. We work holistically to help create and hold a loving, calm and peaceful space, wherever the dying person may be.

What do we use?

As a Soul Midwife, I use a variety of gentle tools and techniques. I am very drawn to working with Oils, using the different qualities and ‘energetic signatures’ they have, as well as the scent, as they work to help create a beautiful and peaceful space. For many people they are a key to help unlock emotions, beliefs and wishes.

I offer gentle soothing touch as a way of connecting physically and energetically with anyone with whom I’m working. 

I also love to use sound, from Nature, or using chimes, and singing bowls, and bells, also gentle music, chants and the sound of my own voice.

Using colour can also be a wonderful support for the dying friend. I have a range of shawls and blankets, and have often been able to suggest ways of using these to help create a calm space.

Soul Midwives tool kit
Inside the Shepherds Hut

Crystals resonate with many people, and I use them also in my work.

Making memories, celebrating life, planning a funeral, addressing deep ‘soul wounds’ or preparing loved ones for death are other aspects of my role as a Soul Midwife.

I am also able to care for the body after death, and can support families in washing and dressing their loved one if they wish to be part of this ritual. I also lead funerals and memorial ceremonies if this is wished for.

Above all, I have deep compassion, and ‘listen with my heart’, walking alongside to support anyone, without judgement. To me, this is the most important skill of all.

Would you like to know more or is it time to talk? If so, contact me now.

Working with children

I have a deep affinity with children and young people, and I love to work with them. I was an Early Years and Primary School teacher, and a University Lecturer in Education, but more importantly I have direct personal experience of supporting children coming to terms with the death of someone close to them. I have also worked to support and care for children and young people at their own end-of-life. This is the most beautiful and poignant work, which I approach with the deepest love. I am happy to sit and listen, play, talk, read books, share and make memories, hold the space, be with the tears, and offer strength, comfort and support. If this connects with you, do please contact me.

The 12 Principles of Soul Midwifery

Here I am talking about our role as Soul Midwives, as part of the Whistlestop Arts Shrouded In Silence project.

“My heartfelt love and thanks go to my mentor, teacher and friend, Felicity Warner, the founder of Soul Midwives. Thank you for your wisdom, grace and power. You have unlocked the secrets for many.”